As you shop for affordable auto interest rates, you might be wondering what is making your rates higher and lower as you get different quotes. The fact of the matter is that there are many different factors that can impact your rate.
These are some of the factors that could impact your cheap car insurance.
The Vehicle You Drive
The vehicle you drive will impact your rates. A newer car will come with higher insurance rates because it is worth more. A vehicle considered safer by the insurance company may come with lower rates. You might consider speaking with an insurance rep before you make any purchase.
How Many Vehicles You Drive
If you have several vehicles, you should consider bundling them. If you bundle the vehicles, your rates may be more affordable than if you have different vehicles on different plans.
The Drivers on Your Policy
Drivers with a safe driving history will be more affordable to have on your insurance policy. For instance, if you have added a driver to your policy who has two violations in the last year, you will see a sharp increase in your auto insurance rates.
Your Age
Your age, as well as the ages of others on your policy, will impact your rates. For instance, one of the biggest changes to your policy will be adding a teenager to your policy. Teens are more expensive to cover because they do not have experience yet.
Your Marital Status
If you were recently married or divorced, you may see a change in your policy. Many insurance companies might consider married men to be safer drivers than single men, for instance.
Your Record
Keep in mind that your driving record is carefully considered as you shop for insurance. For example, a recent accident or a moving violation (or a DUI) will impact your ability to get affordable insurance.
Your Location
Location has a lot to do with insurance rates, especially when you factor in weather and traffic conditions. Highly populated areas may come with higher price tags. For instance, a driver in the Atlanta metro area may have a higher insurance rate than somebody who lives in rural Georgia.
Speak With an Auto Insurance Professional
An auto insurance professional can help you figure out which factors are influencing your insurance rates. You may be able to do something about it to lower your rates and get a quote that makes sense.